For Immediate Release:
Goshen, NY – On October 15, 2024, Alison Esposito, a 25-year veteran of the New York Police Department (NYPD), former candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Candidate for Congress in New York’s 18th Congressional District, received the endorsement of the New York State Fraternal Order of Police. NYSFOP is the largest national law enforcement association with 20,000 members across New York.
As the oldest and largest national association of law enforcement professionals with over 20,000 members statewide, we have based our endorsement upon your demonstrated and continued support of police professionals. Further, as police professionals who most experience and witness the trauma and effects of criminal behavior wrecked upon our fellow citizens, we understand, all too well, the significance of dedicated public servants as you who possess the courage and compassion to promote the confidence in our government and courts.
Mike Essig, President New York State Fraternal Order of Police
Since beginning her campaign in October of 2023, Esposito has been endorsed by numerous law enforcement organizations including the: National Border Patrol Council, NYPD Superior Officers Association Retired, New York 10-13 Association, Westchester Policemen’s Benevolent Association Inc., Sergeants Benevolent Association, Lieutenants Benevolent Association, Captains Endowment Association, Police Conference of New York, New York State Union of Police Associations, and Detectives Endowment Association.